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360º Eduknowmad


Training, Workshops & Congresses

[RE]LEARN - Cultiva habilidades esencial

'Cultivate core skills in fascinating ways!' (SPA)

[RE]LEARN: Learning Innovation Festival (online) - Learnlife


'4 Keys and 4 Cs to be a successful learner and citizen in today's world' (SPA)

[RE]LEARN: Learning Innovation Festival (online) - Learnlife


TISV - DiM EDU 51 Trobada Centres Innova

'TISV (Invisible Technologies at First Sight), beyond ICT' (SPA)

52º Encuentro de Centros Innovadores en Huesca (online) - DIM (Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia) 


TISV - DiM EDU 51 Trobada Centres Innova

'TISV (Invisible Technologies at First Sight), beyond ICT' (CAT)

51 Trobada de centres innovadors, Sitges (Cataluña) (online) - DIM (Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia)


'TISV (Invisible Technologies at First Sight), beyond ICT' (SPA)

VIII Congress on Education and ICT: The School of the Future. Consultora Excellere. (Argentina)


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'Culture of Thinking: Thinking Based Learning' (CAT)

Educatio (Catalonia, Spain)



'How do we connect critical thinking with the use of mobile devices in the classroom,

in schools and in the educational community?' (CAT)

Consell Escolar de Catalunya. Departament d'Ensenyament. (Catalonia, Spain)


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Desarrollemos CD TIC, TAC, TEP.png

'A DIWO project in High School? PBL and DIY hand in hand.' (SPA)

II Revolution in Education Congress: Schools of Innovation. Gimnasio Los Caobos (Colombia)


'Let's develop digital competence by putting 'ICT, TAC and TEP' into play.' (SPA)

II Revolution in Education Congress: Schools of Innovation. Gimnasio Los Caobos (Colombia)


Som Crítics - FB.png

'How does Thinking Based Learning (TBL) help us to think in a deep and efficient way? ” with Mònica Suils (CAT)

#SomCrítics Project  Fundació Bofill (Catalonia, Spain)


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Cultura de Pensament - Maristes Montserr

'How to generate original ideas' for a high school project (ENG)

Institució Cultural del CIC (Catalonia, Spain)


'Culture of Thinking. Thinking and teaching to think.' (CAT)

V Marists Pedagogical Conference: Deep Learning. Educating in the Essence. Maristes Montserrat

(Catalonia, Spain)


Cultura de Pensament - Maristes Sants-Le

'Routines and Skills(CAT)

Maristes Sants - Les Corts (Catalonia, Spain)

16 & 23/03/2018

Cultura de Pensament - Maristes Champagn

'Culture of Thinking: Routines and Skills' with Àlex De la Fuente (CAT)

Maristes Champagnat (Catalonia, Spain)


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'Planning Competencial Unit Plans(CAT)

Maristes Champagnat (Catalonia, Spain)  

17-18 /10/2017

Publications & others

"Sometimes I wish" 

Winner of the 2020 Colombian National Public Speaking Contest. Toastmasters  International

(1:14:41 min)


"A Thinking Culture in EFL Secondary School: Thinking Skills, Routines, and

a Dialogic Strategy"

English Is It! (ELT Training Series). Vol.12. Institut de Ciències de l’Educació. University of Barcelona


"EFL Challenging Tasks for Late Teens from a Competencial Approach"

English Is It! (ELT Training Series) Vol.8. Institut de Ciències de l’Educació. University of Barcelona


"En busca del secreto de uno de los mejores sistemas educativos actuales"



"La Nessie, més que un monstre, una aula d’auto-aprenentatge"

Innovar en la metodologia. Revista Guix : Elements d'Acció Educativa. 386/387


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Xavier Casas

CEO President Educatio

After participating in the workshop organized by the Fundació Bofill within the #SomCrítics framework, I thought it could be interesting to organise a training in Thinking Based Learning (TBL) from Educatio. We organised the workshop “Thinking Based Learning. Thinking skills, routines and habits of the mind” run by Mar (7h), where she presented an excellent summary of a culture of thinking, with numerous of exemplary practices based on her teaching experience.

Thanks to those workshops I understood the importance of teaching our students to think well, with method and efficiency. Often they are skills which are not taught and which will be useful for all our life. Workshops like these are the ones that let us believe educational transformation is possibleIt is only a matter of persistence, work and ongoing training.

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Anna Tejedor

Exalumna Maristes Champagnat

y estudiante de Grado en

Educación Primaria Inglés

When I was a young child, I thought that Mar was born in another country because I had never heard her speaking Spanish. Whenever I met her in the hallways of the school, she spoke to me in English and that made me try hard to practice my speaking. What I liked the most about her classes was that we did innovative and different activities and many times we worked in groups.

If I had to pick a phrase

that describes Mar, it would be one that

she always said:

" Work hard and dream big ".


Dr. Miquel Àngel Comas

Profesor e investigador acreditado en investigación, innovación y dirección educativa 

Asesor cultura organizacional,

visión estratégica y ecosistemas I+D+I 

Mar is an extraordinary educational professional with great rigour and great dynamism to develop educational renovation / transformation actions.

Her commitment to improving educational ecosystems and her accompanying leadership

with a vocation for service facilitates an environment of trust, growth and inspiration to achieve challenges and objectives.

It was a key and driving force in the Marists Innovation Network project, always providing dynamic strategies and elements of pedagogical foundation of great value for the project.


+34 609 436 348

Barcelona, CAT (España) 

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