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"A Thinking Culture in EFL Secondary School:

Thinking Skills, Routines, and a Dialogic Strategy"

English Is It! (ELT Training Series). Vol.12. Institut de Ciències de l’Educació. Universitat de Barcelona


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From a humanistic and competence-based approach, this teacher presents how to implement a thinking culture in the obligatory and post-obligatory secondary education EFL Classroom through thinking-based learning (TBL), visible thinking, habits of mind and Socratic debates or circles. Being applied to all levels, she develops skills which boost the learning to learn and learning to think competences as she enhances the linguistic and communicative skills in learning English as a foreign language. Three pedagogical practices are thoroughly described to exemplify this approach: the ´Compare and contrast’ thinking skill (7th and 11th grade), the ‘Think-pair-share’ thinking routine (multilevel), and the Socratic debate or circles (11th grade). Continuous and formative feedback is tackled as well.

"EFL Challenging Tasks for Late Teens from a Competencial Approach"

English Is It! (ELT Training Series) Vol.8. Institut de Ciències de l’Educació. Universitat de Barcelona


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What if the “Batxillerat” period stood out for its itinerary as a learning experience for life beyond being simply reduced to a path of preparation and training to pass the “Selectivitat” exam successfully? Before the challenge of considering a true competencial approach from the subject of the English language as a foreign language, this article suggests a variety of tasks designed to develop not only the specific linguistic competence of this subject and its closely-related skills, but also the general competences. Thus, this approach based on competences sets eyes on the comprehensive and holistic development of the student as a person who has to get ready for life, rather than for passing exclusively an exam.

En busca del secreto de uno de los mejores sistemas educativos actuales


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"En conclusión, el secreto del éxito del sistema educativo en Finlandia no es único. Imaginemos una cookie, una de esas galletas con tropezones de chocolate bañados de diferentes colores. El secreto no se halla en la masa uniforme de la galleta, sino en el conjunto de cada uno de los ingredientes de la galleta y en esos botones de colores rellenos de cacao. Así pues, son estos diversos aspectos los que componen la amalgama de un producto de calidad con una imagen, un sabor, una textura y un olor propios." 

“La Nessie, més que un monstre, una aula d’auto-aprenentatge”

Innovar en la metodologia. Revista Guix : Elements d'Acció Educativa. 386/387 


Artículo sobre el funcionamiento de un aula de auto-aprendizaje del inglés en Primaria basado en el trabajo por rincones según los diversos niveles y ritmos de aprendizaje, y con el fin de desarrollar principalmente las competencia social y la autonomía personal. Leer más a continuación... (catalán)

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La Nessie és una aula d'autoaprenentatge d'anglès com a llengua estrangera (LE) a nivell de primària. Aquesta aula funciona mitjançant una metodologia per racons que facilita l'atenció a la diversitat i que potencia l'autonomia de l'alumnat. Cada infant es converteix en el protagonista i màxim responsable del seu propi aprenentatge: millora la seva competència lingüística a partir del seu nivell alhora que es desenvolupa de manera competencial i integral.

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